There are many benefits of television and its affects on advertising. One of the major benefits is the fact that the commercials and advertisements on TV can reach millions of people at the same time. If a major program or game is on the television, the advertisements can reach even more people because the viewers don’t want to leave the TV in case they miss a crucial event or goal. This therefore encourages the viewers to watch the advertisements and persuades them to purchase the items. The object of the advertisements are to lure people in and catch their attention, and television helps to connect millions of people all over the world to different advertisements. One of the drawbacks of television is that the way technology is developing these days, the possibility of viewers being able to fast forward through all commercials is becoming more of a reality.
People don’t necessarily want to watch commercials, but to a certain degree are forced to watch the advertisements. This is something that is very important to the advertising business, but can be quite annoying for the audience at home. Since the public is important to the technology industry, they are coming up with a way to please the public by giving them the power to fast forward through all commercials and get straight to whatever program they are watching. This would seriously affect the advertising business because television is one of their major forms of communication to the public. If this does become a reality, advertising agencies may argue that the technology industry is curtailing the ability for them to continue to provide maximum exposure for their clients. Overall, the benefits do outweigh the drawbacks, and television and technology is and will continue to be an important asset to the advertising field.
For more information on fast forwarding and rewinding live tv, click here:
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